Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Fools Mock

A recent conversation with my sister went something like this...

N: You should see my garden, it's growing like crazy. My tomato bush has 15 tomatoes growing on it, and at least 30 more blossoms, and my so-called dwarf peas that were only supposed to get 2-3 feet tall, out grew their trellis, so we had to build them a new one, and they are taller than Sam now!
J: Wait, you have a garden? Where did you put it?
(I live in a townhouse)
N: In pots.
J: Where did you put the pots?
N: Up My front walkway, it was the only place that had good sun. We also found a spot along the side of the door for the peas, and we planted some watermelons in front of the bushes.
(Julene starts laughing hysterically)
J: It must look ridiculous! You just have a bunch of vegetables growing in pots up your walkway? You have to post some picture on your blog, I've got to see this!

I told her I would and then we continued to talk about all the things we've planted in our gardens. As ridiculous as it may sound, I am quite proud of my little garden. Here, let me introduce you to it..


If you look close, you can see where the old trellis ends. Below is a picture of them reaching the top of the new trellis.

This is the pretty pink blossom that comes before the peas.

These are what we have been eating all week, and they just keep coming. Every morning I go outside and there are more ready to be picked.


Yes, some of the green-bean bushes are planted in an old laundry soap bucket. Why not, it was free! And, in case you are wondering, the watermelons are planted right behind the grass-like bushes.

I planted them a week and a half ago, and they just came up on Saturday. Aren't they cute?


This tomato plant and I have been through a lot together. For about a month it just kept trying to die, it was one crisis after another, but I finally talked it into living, and look at how it's turning out!

And so Julene, my garden might be a little 'out of the box', but it's growing like crazy! Now I'm daring you to post pictures of your garden, and we'll see who has the last laugh!


Tyler and Kristen said...

Holy Cow!! You must have some kind of green thumb, that is quite the fantastic looking garden. Way to go, I'm so jelous!

Cindy said...

Oh my gosh--I only just got my tomato plant and you're almost ready to harvest. Way to go!!!

Julene said...

LOL!!! That is hilarious! I love it. You are the crazy plant lady! hehe.

I might wait a week or two before posting my garden... uh... yeah. :)

Kathleen said...

Go Natalie! I love container gardening, especially creative container gardening :)

Kate, Ben and Archie said...

Your garden is wonderful!

Heidi said...

That is awesome! Go, green thumb, go! :D

Mandie Flood said...

I never walk away from your blog without something to reflect upon or be impressed by. Gardens are one of the funnest and easiest way to keep kids occupied. Also, it is a great lesson of the work needed to reap a harvest (applied both temporily and spiritually). How it looks isn't important...OBVIOUSLY. If they are in neat cultivated rows or in old soap buckets, life grows when nurtured. You are doing all the right things, Doodle. Keep up the good work.

Jessica and Robby Curtis said...

Way to go you seem like super mom to me!!! I am glad you have a blog so I can see how darn cute your family is!!! Take care!!

Jessica Curtis (aka Pitcher)

Strawberry Girl said...

Yeper, your garden beats mine by a mile Nat. ;p

Lisa/Scott said...

LOL!! YAY for your fabulous garden!!! I'm jealous. I love it! Fresh fruits and veggies not only save money but they taste the bestest! Natalie, you're right, I need to blog more, I'm sorry I'm so lazy. I truly love and miss you, and I need to be better at keeping in touch. Things have been a little hard, and I don't feel inspired to write on the blog when I'm stressed, but I should. I wish you were my next door neighbor so I could just sit and talk to you like the old days. There aren't many TRUE friends to confide in, and I don't want to take them for granted.

Amy and Clark said...

Hooray for townhome-dwelling gardeners! It's a tough job and I have much to learn from you! You were probably smart to not plant so many tomato plants. My 8 will probably be 7 too many. I'm very impressed with your variety of plants and am excited to hear how the blueberry bushes do!