My new passion can be described in one word. CRAIGSLIST! Why didn't I know about this sooner? It is a community classified website where you can buy and sell stuff and it doesn't cost you anything to use it. I have found all kinds of good bargains on it. First we were having friends over for dinner, but we have a small table so I looked on craigslist for some folding chairs. I found a set of 4 nice ones being sold for $12! Then after the party we got to thinking it might be nice to have a bigger table. Well I looked on craigslist and found a nice solid pine dining room set- table, 6 chairs and a hutch all for $200! This is when it gets good... I sold my table on craigslist for $100, and a desk that we don't use for $25, and a slide that the boys don't play with anymore for $10, so after selling all that, my new dining set only cost me $65! It definently needs to have the seats reapholstered because I don't like blue, but otherwise it was a great find. Then I got a double stroller that had only been used 3 times and was practically brand new for only $55! My latest find is my boys favorite though. I got them a yellow power wheels hummer. They LOVE it and have so much fun driving around the back yard with thier friends. I will be posting videos of them driving it soon. Anyway EVERYONE should know about craigslist. It is fabulous!
Saturday, October 13, 2007
The new love of my life
Posted by
natalie brady
6:56 PM
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1 comment:
I didn't know that you didn't know about craigslist or I would have told you!! I like that one, and there's for the locals in Utah. Another really good one is which is a site with people sick of their stuff and giving it away for free or trading it for someone else's stuff. you should check that one out too!
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