Saturday, May 31, 2008

Summer is Here!!!!

The pool at our apartment complex is finally open! Nicholas has been begging to go swimming for weeks and we finally get to! Of course we are leaving for utah in just 3 days and will be gone until the middle of July, so we have been making the best use of the pool while we could. Nicholas is the kind of kid who jumps right in, and Christian sits on the edge kicking his feet for a while before he will get in. They both have floating body-suits and I think they look so cute with their hughmongus chests!


Lisa said...

How fun! They are little muscle men. Summer is the best. We just spent the day swimming at my parents pool. I hope you have fun it Utah. We should get together once before Lis has her baby!

Lindsay said...

oh, I will miss that pool! I have to tell you, I was reading the side of your blog where you have the 'things that make you laugh' column...after I read the first one about Nicolas saying that thunder and lightning don't have bums, I laughed so loudly that, after my outburst, I worried I'd woken my kids up!

Lisa/Scott said...

I love their little wet faces! Those swimming suits are the greatest! We got one for crystal last summer and it eases the mothers ever worrying mind! I sent you an email...did you ever get it?