Monday, April 13, 2009

What do you do?

What do you do when....
You step out of the shower, only to discover that while you were in there, your kids climbed up to the high cupboard and pulled out the bag of fruit snack smiles, and ate ALL 13 SERVINGS, an hour before lunch, and are now going crazy from all the sugar? What do you do?

Well, I did what any good parent would do. I sat them down and showed them how much sugar they ate, and how much they should eat in a day, then I fixed them an ultra healthy lunch full of foods they don't like and told them that the only way to counteract all the sugar in their bodies was to eat it. After that, I made them scrub walls to work off all their energy.


Cindy said...

Hooray for you! Sounds like you handled it perfectly!

Dezra Marshall said...

that was a great way to handle the situation! I guess your going to have to lock the no no cupboard.

Mike and Jana Black said...

Awesome, awesome. I hope that teaches them a lesson.

Strawberry Girl said...

Natalie you are a riot!! I don't know what I would have done, but I like what you did. ;p

Unknown said...

I must say, your solution was way better than I would have come up with. Good job! And now you have clean walls, too (in theory...)!

the hamms said...

your a mean mommy

Amy said...

LOL! You are brilliant. You should write a parenting book. Did they believe you and eat the ultra healthy lunch?

Lindsay said...

That's great! I definitely wouldn't have come up with that good of a punishment!

Kathleen said...

Maybe, just maybe, you should have had them eat a whole cup of sugar right then and there. Then, maybe they'd never want it again. Or, it might have just made the problem worse. Your solution sounds like a better idea ;)

Julene said...

LOL!!!! That is hilarious! I love it! I'm going to have to steal that from you if Jordan ever does something of the like!

Mandie Flood said...

Well so far 9 out of ten people agree that you did the right thing (not including me yet).
I love it when you share stories about your kids and how you handled it. It reminds me of the stories I read about genderal authorities wives when they tell of their years raising small children.
You really seem to love those boys. It seems so evident in your willingness to make and keep boundaries. Way to be consistant. I wanna be like you.