Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Grandma and Grandpa!

So, when Sam's mom was here last July, she told Nicholas that Grandpa would come to visit soon. That's not a good thing to tell a 4 year old. Everyday for weeks he asked if Grandpa was there yet. Finally He stopped asking. I decided not to tell him that they where coming this time until right before they got here. When I did tell him that Grandma was coming and that she was actually bringing Grandpa with her this time, He looked at me, laughed, and said "Silly Mommy! Grandpa's Not a PRESENT!". I guess it doesn't take very many Grandma visits for a kid to figure out that they come with presents. The boys where so excited to see them! And of course being this close to Christmas, they did bring presents. Nicholas got a guitar, and Christian a drum set. We had a whole band! Nicholas insisted that Daddy get out his guitar, and play songs with him. We had a concert rocking out to Nick's favorite song "Called to Serve"!


Amy said...

I expect to hear the band play Stairway to Heaven at the next ward talent show! What fun presents... definitely Grandparent presents, but fun!

Julene said...

Sounds like you had fun!