Saturday, June 30, 2007


June and July are our favorite months here in north carolina. Not because of the heat and incredible humidity, those I could do without. The reason is the u-pick farms. Fresh produce that you pick yourself, and since you do the work of picking it, it is a lot cheaper. our favorites are strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries. Not only is it cheap, but vine ripened fruit is incredible. Imagine blueberries as big as grapes! Nicholas loves to find the ripe blueberries and eat them, he goes around and finds the bushes that are full and says " look mama here's a good one!" then he starts picking and eating. Today he was trying to reach a nice ripe one that was just out of his reach and when he finally got it he said "I caught it mama, and it's a good one!" after we have picked a few buckets full we go home and wash them and freeze them or make jam, and eat them of course- even christian loves blueberries. Sam has become quite the jam maker. He's gone a little wild if you ask me, but it makes him happy, and I think it is kind of cute to see him all domestic. we have 24 jars of jam in our freezer! I have decided to call him sam the jam man.

1 comment:

Lisa/Scott said...

My parents used to make strawberry jam all the time when I was little and I loved it! oh the memories!