Sunday, September 21, 2008


This is Nicholas' 3rd season playing soccer. With all the rain we've had this season isn't working out very well and saturday was the first game he's had since the season started in august. I have been amazed each season how different the games are. Mostly it's because the kids grow and mature between each one. His first season when he had just turned 3, the kids mostly ran around like crazy and almost never got the ball in any net, let alone the right one. His second season they had figured out that the goal was to get the ball in the net, not just to kick and run as far as you can until the coaches stop you. This season his games actually resemble games. They still don't have a goalie, and they still play every kid for himself instead of as a team, but at least they know to kick the ball in the right net most of the time, and they stop when they go out of bounds. We still get the occasional pick-up- the-ball-and-put-it-down-in-front-of-the-net-to-kick-it-in, but over all they are starting to get it. It's really fun to watch. Nicholas made 2 goals on Saturday, I was so proud of him!

1 comment:

Julene said...

Aaah that would be cute to see! Maybe I'll put Jordan in soccer too. :)