Thursday, November 13, 2008

I was so mad!

I had a nightmare last night that someone stole all my credit cards and went on a massive shopping spree. You know you are cheap when the worst part about it was the fact that they paid FULL PRICE for things! I woke up so mad that I couldn't go back to sleep!


Kristie said...

That is a really funny dream. I think that paying full price would make me mad too.

Amy said...

ROFLMBO!! That has got to be one of the funniest blog posts I've ever read. And I would be mad too!

Julene said...

Only you, Natalie. ;)

Becky said...

LOL That is SO funny!! I would have done the exact same thing.. it's a rare, RARE day that I pay full price.

Kathleen said...

I love the fact that your anger came not from the fact that someone in your dream stole your credit cards, but that they stole them and then did not consume smartly. AWESOME!

Cindy said...

LOL--That is the best worst dream ever!

Lisa/Scott said...

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That made my day!